This is the season, yes that is I with a snow shovel in my hands, now that has been awhile for the old fellow it gives you a good workout, all of this is backwards, so the last is first and the first is last, following are pictures of my grandsons and some of what I have been up too sense the last time I added to this blog. This is Cole, eating snow....
Kalab, thinking of ways to bug his brothers, some things he is really good at.
Landon, look cute and helping build that, poor snowman, these fellows can wear me out long before they even get winded.
Kalab, thinking of ways to bug his brothers, some things he is really good at.
Landon, look cute and helping build that, poor snowman, these fellows can wear me out long before they even get winded.
Fire time in the house, this stove will heat you up, and it sure feels good on these cold winter days. Now if we just had that duct tape for these little guys.
This morning the boys and I built and snowman, I know he is not living the word of wisdom but he is one poor looking fellow and very cold.
On the 19th I got on a bus, yup a bus to come to Colorado, 19 hours and 4 bus changes I got as close to Cortez as Darango. Kyle and Kalab picked me up on Saturday morning and here I am. This will surely be a white Christmas, this is Kyle and Julie's house in Cortez. I sure hope she is busy with her new calling, there is no doubt the Lord is keeping her busy, and she will get to spent this season with her Dad, and My Dad and all the rest who have graduated from this life.
Part of this season was visiting Becky's grave site, every year the veteran's groups add wreaths to each headstone, we went one Sunday morning early, Thanks girls for going with me
This is Summer and her fellow, some sort of lucky fellow, the Temple is the only place to start out and these two did it right. It was wonderful to be part of this
The good old four generation photo, this was in November while in Boise for Summer Gropp's wedding. At least three of them look good
Are these two good looking!!! I am really looking forward to having these two at the house and getting to know them better. This is Andrea and Emma, boy us Gropp boys do good "don't we
I have not updated this is a while, have spent every minute working on that little house getting it ready for the new tenets. In case you do not know Cory, Andrea and Emma will be bunking at the house until he completes school. It will be great and I have purchased a case of duct tape to keep Cory in line. I am not kidding Cory